Miracle-Gro Is Toxic in More Ways Than One — Simple Urban Gardening

Spicey Ky - Question Everything
3 min readMay 12, 2021


There is NO Miracle Gro product you can trust if you are into organic gardening. They all contain copper sulfate which is used in pesticides. Therefore, miracle gro is toxic.

This video was not made to shame people who use Miracle Gro. But it does throw me off that people don’t notice those little blue crystals that resemble to ones Walter White used to cook up meth in Breaking Bad. Why people actually add that stuff to the foods they grow will always baffle me. #Monsanto

What Is in Miracle-Gro?

So, what is that blue stuff in Miracle Gro? It’s derived from copper sulfate. According to the National Pesticide Information Center:

“Copper sulfate is an inorganic compound that combines sulfur with copper. It can kill bacteria, algae, roots, plants, snails, and fungi. The toxicity of copper sulfate depends on the copper content… Copper sulfate has been registered for use in pesticide products in the United States since 1956… One study looked at long-term work-related exposures to copper sulfate. They found an increased risk of kidney cancer. Another study found that decreasing copper can inhibit cancer growth.”

Unless you use fungicides to kill off fungal blight, there is no reason on the planet for you to use copper sulfate in your garden, especially on the foods you eat. And because it’s also a bactericide, it’s extremely harmful to that soil you’ve spent so much time amending.

Miracle-Gro Is Toxic

It’s NOT Organic… Even If the Packaging Says So

There is NO Miracle Gro product you can trust if you are into organic gardening. That includes their garden soil, potting soil, Shake n Feed and even their wanna be “organic” products. They all contain copper sulfate. And there is NOTHING organic about it. Miracle gro is toxic!

And now that the makers of Miracle-Gro are owned and operated by Monsanto, also the makers of ROUNDUP WEED KILLER, you’re in even more trouble. And that’s what this video is about. Let me walk you through the who, what, when, where, how and why your crops are literally becoming addicted to Miracle Gro like crack.

As time goes on, you will have to use more and more of it to get the expected results. And one day, when you finally realize how harmful it is to your soil and your body and want to actually grow organically, it will be too late.

Your soil will not be able to function without Miracle Gro. And organics won’t work for controlling pests either. You’ll be forced to turn to ROUNDUP WEED KILLER for help. Why? Miracle gro is toxic. And there are other reasons. Check out the video below for more details.

Video: Is Miracle-Gro Toxic? Yes. In More Ways Than One!

Yes, Miracle-Gro IS Toxic #Monsanto

Originally published at https://spiceysolutions.com on May 12, 2021.



Spicey Ky - Question Everything
Spicey Ky - Question Everything

Written by Spicey Ky - Question Everything

Honestly blogging about the shiiiii that pisses me off. And as a Virgo, that could be just about anything. But I back my rants and raves up with hard facts.

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